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Produzione, area amministrazione,
mensa, impianti technici, facciate
Bolzano Alto Adige (I)


Un esempio di successo di ristrutturazione
efficace ed economicamente vantaggiosa
di edifici industriali complessi.

Masterplan delle fasi di ampliamento per lo sviluppo strutturale dell'intero stabilimento di Mila Bolzano della soc. agric. Cooperativa Latte montagna Alto Adige

Lo stabilimento Mila di Bolzano è stato ampliato per fasi negli ultimi 40 anni; la struttura dell'edificio esistente, ormai vetusta, non soddisfaceva più i requisiti tecnici di produzione odierni. Per soddisfare i volumi di produzione in continuo aumento e i relativi requisiti di qualità sempre più elevati, e quindi per rendere l'intera industria lattiero-casearia altoatesina sostenibile e orientata al futuro, si sono rese necessarie ulteriori fasi di espansione e ampliamenti strutturali di ampia portata, che sono stati realizzati in varie fasi.

2016 / Production plant Mila step 1

Latte montagna acquires part of the neighbouring vineyard, thus expanding the factory premises to the east. A new pasteurised milk warehouse with technical offices is built on the south side of the production plant. A new combined heat and power plant is built on the roof of the factory. Part of the factory façade is being renovated and clad with a new, curtain-type trapezoidal perforated sheet façade with interior installation space for pipe guides.

2017 / Mila administration building

The existing business building including bar and service flats will be demolished, and the entire plant infrastructure will be renewed. A new administration building with a new shop and bistro will be constructed, and a new underground car park with 40 parking spaces for employees will be built. All open spaces (embankment wall, parking spaces, bus stop, landscaping) will also be redesigned. The new office building will create space in the company building for the expansion of the production and storage areas.

2019 / Production plant Mila step 2

The middle section of the production building is the oldest component, which was built in the 1960s. The existing room heights are insufficient and do not match those of the surrounding production premises. The part of the building will be completely renovated and extended to the building rights bordering the motorway in line with the pasta milk warehouse built in expansion stage 1. The extension of yoghurt filling lines will be positioned in these newly created areas, and light-flooded production offices as well as changing rooms and panorama rooms will be placed above the production levels. The urban volume resulting from this construction measure is approx. 16,250 m³.

2023 / Production plant Mila step 3

This phase includes the extension of the existing logistics centre of the production plant towards the east. The capacities of this area, which serves to store the processed products and prepare them for dispatch to the dealers, are no longer sufficient to guarantee an optimal flow of the production process after the expansion of the production areas in expansion stages 1 and 2.
In addition to two new basement levels with garages, the expansion also includes a cold storage warehouse extending to the ground floor, as well as a four-storey building wing with storage and technical premises. The urban volume resulting from the construction measures described for expansion stage 3 amounts to approx. 30,950 m³.

T. A. Via Edison 15
39100 Bolzano BZ
0471 911567